In PMS AKADIMOS we share a common vision: Always look for the most advanced product and achieve new milestones.
Strong position in the domestic market
Our goal is to maintain and consolidate our position in the domestic market as a competitive and innovative company while broadening our clientele.
New eco-friendly packaging
In parallel, our company works relentlessly towards the enhancement of its Research and Development department in an effort to provide its clients with new, improved and certified products that comply with the Greek legislation and the EU guidelines on healthy and ecological packaging.
Competitive advantage
In order to obtain a competitive advantage our company tries to find intelligent ways to reduce costs and aims at placing unique and exclusive products on the market.
Respecting the environment and supporting circular economy
Our goal is to manufacture BIODEGRADABLE – COMPOSTABLE and RECYCLABLE products. We are firm supporters of the circular economy and sustainable development model aiming at improving the standard of living of all people through a more intelligent use of resources in a modern economy that contributes to the welfare of the population.
Investing in people
Investing in human resources is the key to the success of any small or large business. One of the main goals is to provide employees with the opportunity to enhance their skills and know-how through specialised education and training programs.
One of PMS AKADIMOS’ short-term goals is to upgrade its export potential as it has always been an outward-looking company.